occam’s un-razor

I discovered something new about myself recently: I have a tendency to create and contemplate complicated and convoluted solutions to relatively simple problems. I am Occam’s un-razor. I am the anti-principle of parsimony – ironically, mostly due to my parsimony!

The latest problem I attempted to solve that led me to this conclusion was my housing situation. Having left my Wuppertal flat and with no new accommodation in 2024 lined up, I am relying on the goodwill of friends to let me crash. I’ve been looking for a flat or a room in Rostock since last September, with no luck so far. A few nights ago I got so fed up that I looked up disc golf course locations and the German tournament schedule and started plotting a semi-nomadic route that would take me to central and eastern Germany, through the Czech Republic, down to Austria, then to Slovakia. The idea was to take my disc golf bag, my laptop, and a few pieces of clothing and just roam around central Europe while working on my start-up and playing disc golf.

It was complicated to the extreme. In any case, I’m not a natural nomad; I may travel a lot, but I need a stable home to come back to. Not to mention a place to leave all my stuff.

Other examples are that whenever I need something like a bag or a piece of furniture, my first thought is, ‘Can I make it myself?’ It’s how I ended up at the hardware store, buying lengths of chains to build a disc golf basket in my hallway closet. Or how, instead of paying to ship a very heavy and unwieldy package to a friend across the country, I rented a car to bring it to another friend in another city first, and will soon rent a car again to drive it six hours north. Occam’s un-razor. It’s how my brain works.

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